Closing the
Homework Gap
With BorderLink, students will no longer be disadvantaged due to their lack of internet connectivity at home.
Thanks to the BorderLink infrastructure, students in Imperial County will no longer worry about not having the connectivity they need to engage with other students or teachers, or access digital curriculum or other online resources.
Whether at home or elsewhere in the community, BorderLink will provide the access that all students need to further their education, compete on a level playing field, and ensure they are ready for college and the workforce.
Several schools districts have partnered with ICOE to provide their students with Internet connectivity at home. In the following video, Anthony Romayor Jr., Chief Technology Officer at El Centro Elementary School District highlights the importance of having Internet connectivity at home.
Schools implementing similar initiatives around the country have reported an overwhelmingly positive impact on academic performance and student participation. Schools notice a decrease in disciplinary issues, an increase in parent/student collaboration and parent/teacher communication.
At Imperial Valley College, students enrolled in the CalWORKS program are seeing firsthand the advantages of having a reliable Internet connection at home. Watch the video below to learn more about the partnership between IVC and BorderLink.
In addition to partnering with K-12 schools and Imperial Valley College, BorderLink has partnered with local community organizations to spread the benefits of this new infrastructure. In the next video, Misty Lee, Executive Director at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Imperial Valley, highlights the collaboration between BorderLink and the Boys & Girls Clubs.
Broadband and Student Performance Gaps is the result of a project designed to understand the repercussions of poor or no home Internet access on student performance and the associated costs to society.